Christmas Tablescapes

Hey friends, here we are just a day away from Christmas, and that always takes me back to my childhood in the old country. Christmas celebration for us was much more centered around family gatherings then shopping and gift giving . We as kids would get simple presents that were usually hand made ,but the big the event was the delicious and colorful Christmas dinner at my grandmother’s house.

This was a time when the table was decorated ,the best cloths and beautiful handmade napkins would be at display along with special China ,silverware and crystal glassware.

We would all help set up the festive table ,embellished it with acorns, branches and seasonal fruits, then the dishes that were prepared would be arranged as well. To me this was such magical time,and I try to pass this along to my children. It is not so much for delicious food but for all the beautiful table setting and the preparation for it.

Many things have changed since then ,we live very busy lives now but it’s nice from time to time to take a pause and make these moments special ,decorate the tables ,pull out your best China and make that dinner table special. These days we invite our friends to sheer delicious dinner and conversation around the table,we dress up our table and cook something from my childhood and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

So today I’ve decided to share some of my favorite tableware companies that make elegant and tasteful pieces. For a few years I have been following Casa de Perrin and their amazing table settings that are so beautiful.

I am also including the Portuguese company,Vistaalegre, which I was introduced to through my  clients, that produces some of the most amazing chinaware and glassware with modern and traditional motifs .

Photo credits belong to their respective owners,we do not claim these images !

Let me know if you like it!

Cheers, Tatiana

Decor,table settings
Festive table settings
Holiday table settings